Of all the homes in the city of Charlottesville, Fifeville VA homes for sale are priced the most affordably!

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Fifeville VA is a small diversified neighborhood of white, Latino, and African American residents located in one of Charlottesville’s smallest neighborhoods.

It is located behind the old Vinegar Hill neighborhood and Amtrack Station and is centrally located in the city.

Many of the original houses date from the 18th century and are made of brick.

Learn more: Fifeville’s Future.

Fifeville Charlottesville real estate is the place to begin your home search especially if you want a Charlottesville fixer-upper.

While the newer homes were built in the 1970s. It’s similar to what the Belmont neighborhood went through 20 years ago.

Thus, this neighborhood is a prime neighborhood for rehabbers due to its prime location.

However, the original roads are so small that it’s not a good area for development (yeah!).

This small historic neighborhood is bounded by Cherry Avenue to the south, the C & O Railroad & Amtrak tracks to the north, Spring Street to the west, and Ridge Street to the east.

Eighty-eight percent of the 287 houses contain historic and architectural significance (wow!).

The most important historic home is the circa 1822, grand Oak Lawn Plantation which sits on 5.5 park-like acres. It was originally 350 acres. (Oak Lawn can be found at stands at the southwest corner of the intersection of 9th Street SW and Cherry Avenue.)

Read about Francis Fife.

Good article: Remembering the Gambling House

There are 2,199 residents with an average age of 29 and made up of mostly young families.

The average home price is $375,000 (as of 2022) and rents vary from $1,100-1,500 for a 3-bedroom house.

Houses range from single-family and multi-family dwellings to townhouses in Orangedale.

There are three parks in the neighborhood, Tonsler, Forest Hills, and Fifeville.

Tonsler Park has recently undergone numerous improvements. The basketball courts have been upgraded, lights added, expanding the parking lot, and building a picnic shelter.

Opened in 1955, Forest Hills Park is 7.35 acres large and offers wonderful views of Carter’s Mountain to the south. The rolling parkland offers guests a playground, spray ground on hot summer days, a basketball court, picnic shelters, restrooms, and trails.

Fifeville Park is only .66 of an acre.

The commercial district is Cherry Ave and change is coming to that area as there is no place to buy groceries.

Buford Middle School is located here.

21% of the residents live BELOW the poverty level.

On-street parking is limited!

What do residents like about Fifeville Charlottesville real estate?

  1. It’s a close-knit neighborhood and is made up of young people.
  2. The UVA Hospital is located 2 minutes due west and is a perfect location for doctors and nurses to live.
  3. The real estate prices are right. But you’ll need to fix up many of these older homes.
  4. Easy access to I-64 and downtown.


My thoughts

Fifeville neighborhood homes are a cool place to live in Charlottesville, but best for young people who can live and thrive together in a diversified neighborhood.

The narrow streets, lack of on-street parking, and numerous older homes add allure but also mean hearing the constant sound of demolition and renovation.

If you want peace and quiet, living in the Fifeville neighborhood of Charlottesville is not for you,

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If Fifeville sounds cool to you then I would be thrilled to be your Charlottesville realtor.

Toby Beavers – Charlottesville realtor since 2003

I can be called or texted at 434-327-2999