View Cory Farms Crozet Va
Cory Farms is NOT a luxury home community. It is a first time homebuyer neighborhood and an excellent Charlottesville investment property.
Cory Farms Crozet Va is located off Rt 250 near the small town of Crozet and 20 mins west of Charlottesville.
It is one of many communities in Crozet that are family-oriented and affordable.
Across the street are a wonderful Harris Teeter supermarket, Cardinal Home Center (including lumber sales), a Truist bank, numerous restaurants, a liquor store, and 4-5 doctors’ and dentists’ offices.
A new sidewalk was just poured so it is an easy 3 min walk to shop or dine.
Cory Farms Crozet VA is located in the Western Albemarle School District and is perfect for living in Crozet VA.
Public schools for those owning homes in Cory Farms Crozet VA are Brownsville Elementary, Henley Middle School, and Western Albemarle High School.
There are a total of 67 homes in Cory Farm.
The first homes in Cory farm Crozet were built in 2001.
Homes in Cory Farm Crozet range from 4-5 bedrooms and 3.5-5 baths. The average is 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths.
From Jan 2022 to 2023, 5 homes in Cory Farms Crozet VA were sold.
Since 2015, 27 homes in Cory Farm were sold.
The median price for a 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath home was $567,500. The low was $510,000. And the high was $670,000.
There were two sold homes in Cory Farm Crozet VA with 4-bedrooms and 2.5 baths. And one with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths.
Where is Cory Farms in Crozet VA?
Nearby communities in Crozet are Liberty Hall (a mix of single-family and townhomes), Sparrow Hill (single-family homes), and Clover Lawn Village (townhomes).
View the Cory Farm HOA Docs
View the Cory Farm Crozet Plat & Subdivision Layout
Thanks for reading along…
I would like to be your Crozet realtor.
Toby Beavers – Crozet luxury realtor since 2003
You may call or text me at 434-327-2999