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The Locust Grove neighborhood in Charlottesville consists of 3 communities: Locust Grove, Locust Grove Extension, and Locust Meadows.

Locust Meadows is the newer of the three communities and consists of mostly townhomes.

The majority of the homes in Locust Meadows were built between 1994-1997 and are 910 sq ft to 3,450 sq ft in size.

The Locust Grove neighborhood is 1.1 square miles and has a population of 2,100.

While once a blue-collar neighborhood, Charlottesville Locust Grove real estate is now extremely popular among young families and those who work downtown.

The majority of the homes in the Locust Grove neighborhood are 4-5 bedrooms and were built between 1920 and 1955.

The median age of the Locust Grove residents is 40 years old and has a median annual income of $84,000

73% of the single-family homes in the Locust Grove neighborhood are owner-occupied.

There are very few multi-family homes.

The median rent for one bedroom is $1100 in Locust Grove

Click here to view the Locust Grove Facebook Neighborhood Association

Directions to Charlottesville Locust Grove neighborhood.

In Charlottesville, take East High Street and turn south on 10th Street. Take the first Left on Little High Street. House on the corner of Little High and 11th Street.

From Downtown Charlottesville, North on Locust Avenue. At the four-way stop sign turn RIGHT onto Calhoun Street.

Coming from Rt 250 Bypass east, take the Locust Ave exit. Make a left onto Locust Ave. (going north or away from downtown).

Follow Locust Ave to T-Stop at Locust Lane. Take a left onto Locust Lane into Locust Meadows.

I would be honored to be your Charlottesville Locust Grove real estate agent.

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Toby Beavers


Charlottesville Locust Grove Neighborhood Realtor Since 2003