The Martha Jefferson neighborhood in Charlottesville is only .375 square miles with a population of 3,300 and is popular among young, affluent families.
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In 2010, the Martha Jefferson neighborhood was designated as a historic district.
Note – There are only 125 homes in the district, so it’s not a large neighborhood.
The neighborhood got its name because of the circa 1903 Martha Jefferson Hospital at the intersection of High St and Locust Ave.
The new Martha Jefferson Hospital is located on a lot more land at Peter Jefferson Place.
The majority of the homes in the Martha Jefferson neighborhood are 4-5 bedrooms and were built between 1900 and 1945.
The current population of Martha Jefferson as of 2023 is 3015 with an average age of 50 years old and a median income of $93k.
Note – 77% of the homes in the Martha Jefferson neighborhood are owner-occupied.
The median rent in Martha Jefferson is $975 a month per bedroom.
High St is made up of mainly doctors’ offices and the old Martha Jefferson Hospital has been taken over by three large companies.
Read more here: Build out: Three companies now calling the old Martha Jefferson site home.
The average price of a single-family Martha Jefferson home in 2023 is $800,000.
Location: The Martha Jefferson neighborhood is bordered by North Downtown, Woolen Mills, and Belmont.
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My thoughts – With great walkability and a booming medical industry, the Martha Jefferson neighborhood is ideal for buyers with enough funds to purchase one of these historic older homes and rehab it. Also a great area for rentals!
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