There have been a total of 20 Montvue Drive Charlottesville VA homes for sale since 1958.
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Montvue Drive Charlottesville homes are tucked away in a secluded neighborhood but only minutes from the University of Virginia, Darden Business School, UVA Law School, and the City of Charlottesville.
You are 2 miles from Barracks Road Shopping Center.
Since 2021, only one home was sold on Montvue Drive Charlottesville VA.
It was located at 201 Montvue Drive and sold for $719,900.
Built between 1958-2008. The majority were built in the late 1950s and 1960s.
Homesites range from 1 to 4.5 acre lots.
The last home built was this contemporary-style architecture at 2690 Magnolia Drive.
Montvue’s architecture is typical of the late 1950s and early 60s and includes ranch styles and minimal traditional style often called “Colonial” by realtors.
There are no HOA fees in Montvue.
Albemarle County Public Schools serve Montvue with Greer Elementary, Journey Elementary, and Albemarle High.
Albemarle County property taxes average $4,000 a year (in 2022).
Directions: Barracks Road to Garth Road. Right on Montvue Drive.
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I would be honored to be your Charlottesville realtor.
Toby Beavers – Charlottesville realtor since 2003
Call or text me at 434-327-2999