Rose Hill Neighborhood

The Rose Hill neighborhood is relatively small with only 82 acres in size and is home to 950 residents with a median age of 35.

38% of the residents have families.

The median income is $63,000 a year. Average rent is $1,000/month.

It was originally home to the circa 1822 Rose Hill Plantation

The area is mostly single-family homes with commercial shops along Preston Ave.

In 1900, Preston Avenue was an African American enclave and still remains popular today with many homes having been built from 1900-to 1940.

As of 2020, only 8 homes have sold. The high being $577,000; the low $159,000; and the median being $365,500. Making this a very desirable neighborhood for first-time homebuyers and flippers.

According to Area Vibe, the neighborhood has a 20% higher crime rate than the rest of the city but developers and yuppies are quickly changing the scene.

The Jackson Burley Middle School is located here and is renowned for its wonderful arts and music teachings.

The 12-acre Booker T. Washington city park is here and offers a new community center, picnic shelter, swimming pool with play equipment, and recreational ball fields.

I think the area is very walkable with numerous sidewalks and is a close-knit neighborhood.

The neighborhood is bound by Preston Avenue, Madison Avenue, and Albemarle Street to the south; to the west of North Downtown; south of Venable; and north of 10th & Page neighborhoods.

What do residents like about this neighborhood?

These excellent restaurants and markets: Sticks Kebob Shop, Shenandoah Joe Coffee Roasters, Rose Hill Market, MarieBette Café and Bakery, Ace Biscuit & Barbecue, Reid Super Save Market, Integral Yoga Natural Foods, and the new Dairy Market.

Also the easy access to the Route 250 Bypass and Downtown Charlottesville.

Feel free to ask me about the Rose Hill neighborhood. I know it well.

Oh and there’s a neighborhood FB page here.

Click here to view all or any homes.

I would be thrilled to be your  Rose Hill neighborhood guide & realtor.

Call or text me at 434-327-2999

Toby Beavers Charlottesville Realtor Since 2003