While most people have a good idea of what they want in their next home, many clients are less sure about what factors make for a neighborhood that will be a good fit for them. While safety and good schools are common, there are a few other things to consider when evaluating potential neighborhoods. Here’s some advice from this Charlottesville realtor, Toby Beavers.


Many people think about location in relation to where you work, but with many clients now working remote or hybrid schedules, location to hobbies and other activities are becoming more important. If you enjoy watersports, searching near the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir or Ragged Mountain Reservoir may be worthwhile. Perhaps you’d like to live within a few miles of one of our fabulous golf courses.

Dog-Friendly Parks

Many clients have a beloved canine companion. Taking your pooch out to play at a nearby dog-friendly park can be a great benefit. Your Charlottesville realtor can help you find some great homes within walking distance of wonderful parks where you can relax as your pet plays and makes friends in their new home.

Proximity to Major Highways

Are you often finding yourself traveling outside Charlottesville? Do you loathe sitting in city traffic? Finding a wonderful neighborhood that is a short hop away from a major thoroughfare can help make long commutes more manageable and enjoyable. Being able to quickly jump on I-64 or Highway 29 may be a significant perk.


Whether you enjoy relaxing walks in nature or are into fitness activities such as trail running, finding a home near running trails may be a big benefit. Charlottesville, fortunately, has over 30 miles of nature trails plus six miles of paved trails, meaning many areas are quite conveniently located to outdoor bliss.

Nearby Stores & Restaurants

This is one that surprisingly many people forget about. When you think about how often you travel to do shopping, the drive to stores you frequent definitely is important. There is a big difference between 10 minutes and 30 minutes in traffic getting to your pharmacy or Whole Foods. Additionally, restaurants nearby go a long way towards creating a unique neighborhood vibe and can be a great convenience.

Final Thoughts

While many people focus on schools and public safety – two very important things – there are also a number of other factors that merit consideration in picking out your ideal neighborhood. These things can be added conveniences that enhance your quality of life in your new home. With the present hot real estate market, Charlottesville realtor Toby Beavers will gladly help you scout the best neighborhoods to fit your needs!

Always use a savvy Charlottesville realtor (since 2003) and get the correct comps when you decide to make an offer on any Charlottesville homes.
Toby Beavers Charlottesville Realtor
