Bellair Charlottesville Real Estate

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Bellair Charlottesville VA is a high-end subdivision located on the west side of town, similar to Farmington, Ednam Forest, and Inglecress. Location, location, location is how one can describe Bellair Charlottesville real estate. Close to everything in Charlottesville and always a great investment.

Recently Sold Homes in Bellair Charlottesville VA

There are 75 homes in Bellair Charlottesville VA.

Bellair HOA Fees in 2023 are $400 annually and covers ‘the lake’, maintenance.

Year Built: The 3 earliest homes were built in 1937, then 8 in the 1940s, 58 in the 1950s, 3 in the 1960s, 2 in the 1970s, and then no more new homes until 2016 when Peak Builders built at 366 Deer Path. Homes are constantly being renovated.

Chances are good your next home in Bellair will be from the 50s. And those were well-built homes. Most of the older homes for sale in Bellair Charlottesville VA have been renovated and flipped.

Bellair today is full of young families with kids.

Nearby neighborhoods to consider are Ednam Forest, Farmington, Flordon, and Greencroft.

Since Jan 2021, 9 homes have sold in Bellair and 45% of these ‘solds’ were luxury homes.

Median price: $1,090,000.

For great walks head to Foxhaven Farm and the Heyward Community Forest.

Location: The Rt 250 Bypass runs along the eastern edge of the neighborhood. Bellair is also adjacent to several University of Virginia properties, including Birdwood golf course and the former Foxhaven Farm. The 295-acre Foxhaven Farm borders the southern boundary and extends southward to I-64.

Albemarle County Public Schools that serve the Bellair neighborhood are Murray Elementary, Henley Middle, and Western Albemarle High. Albemarle County is in the process of installing a sewer system in Bellair. Homeowners have the option to connect to the sewer system or remain on septic.

My thoughts : I give the Bellair neighborhood a 9 out of 10. The location is perfect. The community is peaceful and scenic. I like its proximity to the Boar’s Head Resort & Sports Club, and Farmington Country Club. Though not a gated community, it still appears to be very safe to me.